
Zakynthos, Ionian Islands, Greece.


With its mainland coast and numerous islands all in the Mediterranean Sea, Greece belongs to only one Intergovernmental Coordination Group and is advised by a single Tsunami Information Centre.

Country data

As a largely peninsula nation with various archipelagos and thousands of islands, Greece has the longest coast on the Mediterranean basin, which is no stranger to earthquakes, landslides, and other potential tsunami-causing events.
13,676 km
total coastline

Including mainland Greece and its nearly 6,000 islands

8.8+ million
coastal population

Approximately 85% of the country's total

Tsunami warning sign on the Pacific Coast over a blurred blue ocean.

Tsunami Service Provider

The National Observatory of Athens acts as TSP for the greater NEAM region and also hosts the country's NTWC.

Speaker tower on a Sydney beach for tsunami warnings.

National Tsunami Warning Center

Hellenic National Tsunami Warning Centre

Hill of the Nymphs
11810 Athens

+30 21 0 349 0195

Series of international flags hoisted next to each other

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