North-Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas Tsunami Information Centre

The North-Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas Tsunami Information Centre (NEAMTIC) helps develop and provide info on tsunami warning systems, risks and good practices by engaging with Member States and the general public across the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean basin as well as those of connected seas like the Mediterranean, North, Baltic, and Black seas.


As part of the international mandate for increased tsunami safety that followed the tragic 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, UNESCO-IOC created the North-Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and Connected Seas Tsunami Information Centre (NEAMTIC) as an information hub on tsunami-related issues for the entire region.

Based at UNESCO HQ in Paris, France, NEAMTIC offers services to countries in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean with coasts in the Baltic, North, Mediterranean, and Black seas.

Place of Tolerance at UNESCO Headquarters.

NEAMTIC's international mandate to foster and disseminate information on tsunami awareness, forecasting, and mitigation, includes the following objectives and actions that allows it to achieve this:

  • Make citizens, especially youth, aware of risks of floods from the sea in coastal areas, such as tsunamis, storm surges and strong swells.
  • Expand knowledge on safe behaviour.
  • Identify, share and disseminate good practices in plans, methods and procedures to strengthen preparedness for sea-level related hazards, including mitigation through integrated coastal zone management approaches.
  • Foster linkages between the European Commission and UNESCO-IOC on intergovernmental and transnational actions to develop the ICG/NEAMTWS.
  • Develop and distribute multilingual education, awareness and preparedness materials.
  • Identify and exchange good practices and assist civil protection authorities in the establishment of national and regional warning systems, and reduce tsunami and other sea-level-related hazard risks through comprehensive mitigation programmes, including integrated coastal zone management.
  • Provide information on warning systems for tsunamis and other sea-level-related hazards to civil protection authorities.
Denis Chang Seng
Denis Chang Seng

Programme Specialist

Tsunami Resilience Section



This is currently a placeholder paragraph for when NEAMTIC resources are published on UNESDOC and can be displayed here.

Tsunami warning and evacuation signs located on a beach. The sea and blue sky as background.